You might have already taken a look at our new website, but we wanted to welcome you to our landing platform! Through the website, we want to transcend the boundaries of academic environment, spreading the word about the IMPACT AMR Network, having the bold ambitious goal of outreaching to the wider public across the globe. The challenge was taken by our network manager, Emiliano Videla, with support from the co-leads.

Exploring our website will take you through a series of pages, especially designed to show the different elements that are part of the core of our network. You will land on the home page, where you will find our mission, goals, and approach. Moving on to the who we are page, you will get to know a bit more about our Director, Prof. Clare Chandler, our co-Director, Prof. Dominic Moran, and the co-leads, as well as our partners, who were part of the process of creating the network and who will support us throughout the four years. We have a page especially dedicated to our workstreams, so you can learn more about their key objectives and activities with the opportunity to become a member! 

We have three purposes that guide our communication plan, and we would like our website to help us achieve them: i) raise awareness about AMR intervention prioritisation and frameworks, ii) increase familiarity with evidence on AMR interventions’ impacts, and iii) increase familiarity with the work of groups across different disciplines and sectors on AMR impacts. The relevant links page makes visible the efforts made by other initiatives, such as the other seven transdisciplinary networks funded by the UKRI as well as other institutions and organisations working within the field of AMR intervention priorities.  

We also included a page to collate and share evidence with our community, a sort of online repository where you will find recommended readings, either scientific articles or reports written by specialists and experts in the field of AMR. We want our community to use our repository as a reference point to stay up to date with the latest advances in AMR intervention priorities. 

We hope you have a nice user experience exploring the website, and we encourage you to get in touch with us with pieces of information that you would like to see on our website!

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