AMR Framework for Action Supported by the IACG. Working document.
Authors: Inter Agency Coordination Group on AMR.
Year: 2017.
Executive summary
AMR is arguably the most complex threat to global public health, potentially leading to millions of deaths a year and hundreds of billions in annual economic damages by 2050.
The global fight on antimicrobial resistance has gained momentum with a multi-sectoral commitment to action through a declaration on AMR at the 2016 UNGA. Effective work over the coming years is critical.
A comprehensive mapping of current progress, gaps and key next steps is critical to maintain the political momentum initiated by the 2016 UNGA declaration on AMR and kick-start the work of the UN Inter-Agency Coordination Group ahead of their report back to the UNSG.
This documents describes a comprehensive approach to capture (1) all key content areas, (2) relevant levers to address them and (3) underlying enablers – building on the UNGA declaration, the Global Action Plan and the SDGs.
The framework allows the identification of progress and gaps in key content areas. Some of the most challenging issues are
▪ Ensuring access to existing and new antimicrobials while promoting responsible use and stewardship.
▪ Agreeing on priorities and mechanisms to foster innovation towards faster, cheaper diagnostics tests that cover all relevant pathogens, new medicines and vaccines.
▪ Transforming animal husbandry and fisheries to substantially reduce antimicrobial use whilst boosting agricultural productivity and ensuring food security.
Overarching needs include (1) increasing surveillance, (2) strengthening governance, (3) developing and implementing national action plans and (4) securing required funding.