Authors: Halpin AL, Mathers AJ, Walsh TR, Zingg W, Okeke IN, McDonald LC, Elkins CA, Harbarth S, Peacock SJ, Srinivasan A, Bell M,Pittet D, Cardo D, and the 3rd Geneva Infection Prevention and Control Think Tank.
Journal: The Lancet – Infectious Diseases
Year: 2025
Antimicrobial resistance continues to be a growing threat globally, specifically in health-care settings in which antimicrobial-resistant pathogens cause a substantial proportion of health-care-associated infections (HAIs). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the analysis of the data produced therein (ie, bioinformatics) represent an opportunity to enhance our capacity to address these threats. The 3rd Geneva Infection Prevention and Control Think Tank brought together experts to identify gaps, propose solutions, and set priorities for the use of NGS for HAIs and antimicrobial-resistant pathogens. The major deliverable recommendation from this meeting was a proposed framework for implementing the sequencing of HAI pathogens, specifically those harbouring antimicrobial-resistance mechanisms. The key components of the proposed framework relate to wet laboratory quality, sequence data quality, database and tool selection, bioinformatic analyses, data sharing, and NGS data integration, to support public health and actions for infection prevention and control. In this Personal View we detail and discuss the framework in the context of global implementation, specifically in low-income and middle-income countries.